Could you offer a ‘forever home’ to one of our cats or kittens? Below is a list of all the cats currently available for adoption.

All cats and kittens leaving our care are neutered spayed, chipped, vaccinated, wormed and de-flea’d and come with an up-to-date Vet card and Adoption paperwork.

Please like our Coventry Cat Group Facebook page for regular updates and photos on all CCG related topics. Feel free to contact us if you would like to discuss any cat in more detail.

If you wish to enquire about a cat which is not yet on the website, please click on this Adoption Enquiry Form.

Before sending us an Adoption Enquiry Form, please read our 6-step Adoption Process.

Alison, Bunny, Millie and Delilah

CCG2162/2165/2163/2161 – At the Centre

It is not very often that we put a bonded group up for adoption together, but these beautiful, sweet, gentle sisters have come so far on their journey of trust, that we are determined they will continue it together.

They came into care as semi feral, frightened girls, trapped as part of the mammoth ” Specials colony”. As they have become more settled, it has been wonderful to see their distinct personalities flourish, alongside their love and devotion to each other.

Lila is the most confident, demanding fuss and belly rubs once she knows you, Bunny is the foodie, who will almost rub around your legs as you prepare her food, almost… Millie is the Miss Marple of the group, always investigating something, and Alison is the most wary. Although Lila is the only one who actively loves being stroked, we feel in the right home and with Time, Patience and Love, the others would settle and follow suit.

They really are delightful girls, and it’s a privilege to watch them interact as a truly bonded group. As they are still very shy, they require a calm, quiet, indoor home (or one with a catio), an experienced cat owner who has had previous experience of shy cats and no children. If you are interested in these truly special ladies, you would need to be prepared to visit them several times at the centre, and be willing to give them the time, space and unconditional love they need to flourish.

Please click on the Adoption Enquiry Form to enquire about Alison, Bunny, Millie and Delilah.

Anise and Chicory

CCG2036/2039 – At the Centre

A special home is needed for two very shy cats. Anise (mom) and Chicory (son) are sweet, gentle souls who need a home that has experience of very shy / timid cats. It’s unlikely they will ever be lap cats, but in the right home, we feel they would relax further and let their characters shine.

Chicory is a cheeky boy, who sings for his supper in a delightful falsetto, Anise is calmer but still painfully shy. They would be fine with other cats, after proper introductions, but no children. They need a quiet, indoor home where they can continue their journey of trust. If you are an experienced cat person, who has the time to offer these beauties, and have realistic expectations of shy cats, please consider them. They would require several visits prior to adoption

Please click on the Adoption Enquiry Form to enquire about Anise and Chicory.


CCG2393 – At the Centre

Meet Babe. Babe is an outgoing, gregarious boy, who is both playful and loving, as well as being the owner of the softest fur. He is the life and soul of the party and would be fine with other chilled cats (after proper introductions) and older calm children. He requires an indoor home, or one with a catio or pet safe garden.

Please click on the Adoption Enquiry Form to enquire about Babe.

Bandit and Cardan

CCG2366/2368- At the Centre

Playful brothers Cardan and Bandit are looking for their forever home.

Cardan and Bandit are best adopted as a pair. They are often seen sleeping together and enjoy each other’s company. They can be a little nervous but do enjoy a stroke and will offer up purrs. Bandit in particular loves to play and can be a bit of a fiend by hogging the toys! Cardan can just about match Bandit in his fervour for play! These adorable boys need an indoor home or a home with a catio or petsafe garden,

Please click on the Adoption Enquiry Form to enquire about Bandit and Cardan.

Chas and Suggs

CCG2171/2182 – At the Centre

These beauties are Mr Chas and Miss Suggs. They came in together from The Specials Colony, they are not siblings but are definitely related. Mr Chas is a total lovebug, when he’s not weaving around your legs he is rolling around the cat tree for cuddles. Miss Suggs is still very shy but we feel with Chas’ lead and in the right home, she would soon blossom into a more confident cuddle loving girl.

They get along with everyone at the centre so we don’t foresee any issues with other cats as long as correct introductions are followed. A nice calm home would suit them perfectly. These beauties require an indoor home or home with a cat safe garden or catio. 

Please click on the Adoption Enquiry Form to enquire about Mr Chas and Miss Suggs.

Clementine and Truffle

CCG2077/2075 – At the Centre

A loving forever home wanted for these truly beautiful ladies. Clementine (momma) and Truffle (twice the size daughter) are extremely shy girls. Truffle will play with a feather wand once she knows you, and will in fact enjoy it, despite the murderous look on her face. In fact Truffle is the four times winner of the death stare Championships at the centre, but don’t be fooled by her perennial poop face, underneath she is just a sweetie. Clementine is shy and prefers just watching the world go by.

These girls need an experienced cat parent, who will give them the Time, Patience and Love required for them to just be themselves and continue their journey of trust at their pace. They require an indoor home, or home with a catio, they would be fine with other cats after proper introductions, and no children. They would require several visits prior to adoption.

Please click on the Adoption Enquiry Form to enquire about Clementine and Truffle.

Dillinger and Kelly

CCG2339/2338 – At the Centre

These cheeky boys are bonded brothers. They are always up to mischief and shenanigans. No shelf is too high, no treats too safe, and there is no end to their antics… they love to play. Kellie is the more outgoing boy, but Dillinger is fine when he knows you. Despite their constant zest for life, they are also the most loving of boys (especially at mealtimes). They would be fine with other cats (after proper introductions), as they are such social boys. They would be fine with older, calm children and require an indoor home, or one with a catio or catsafe garden. They are such fun boys and would enrich the lives of anyone who gave them their forever home. In short, they are delightful.

Please click on the Adoption Enquiry Form to enquire about Kelly and Dillinger.

Duchess and Rex

CCG2391/2392 – At the Centre

We would love these cuties to go as a pair, but they are quite independent, so could potentially go as singletons. Both are sweet natured, gentle and playful, and love fusses. They require an indoor home, or a home with a catio or cat safe garden. They would be fine with other sociable cats (with proper introductions) and older calm children. They are absolutely delightful.

Please click on the Adoption Enquiry Form to enquire about Duchess and Rex.


CCG2255 – With Fosterer

I would like to introduce myself, my name is Ginge and I am told that I am quite the character! I loves being the centre of attention and because I can get myself in trouble, I need an experienced hooman that will understand me. I can get a bit carried away and have been known to chew anything around!

I am a very confident independent boy. I loves the German Shepherd, who although he lives in a different part of the house, I always try and make a break for freedom, so I can spend time with him.

I don’t see danger and I have a tendency to try to eat anything even though I am fed regularly, this means that my hooman will have to make sure that everything is safely put away. I am also very good at opening cupboard doors!

I am very playful like to play with the little spring toys and can be seen carrying them around sometimes.

I need a safe indoor home, with a porch as I can be an escape artist and if I got out I might get myself in to trouble.

Please click on the Adoption Enquiry Form to enquire about Ginge.

Haldi and Jira

CCG2266/2265 – At the Centre

Haldi and Jira are super sweet girls. Initially, both were very shy and reserved. Now they love gentle fusses when they know you, with Jira being the bravest. They both love playtimes, especially with the feather wand. They require a safe indoor home or home with a catio or catsafe garden, they would be fine with other chilled cats after proper introductions. They are beautiful girls who will really blossom in their own, perfect home.

Please click on the Adoption Enquiry Form to enquire about Haldi and Jira.


CCG2269 – At the Centre

A very special home is required for this loving boy. He’s a big fella, with an even bigger personality. A lone hand rear, he’s never figured out if he’s a human, or we’re all cats, so he treats us accordingly. He is super affectionate, until he isn’t, then he can become Vlad the impaler, but don’t let that put you off as his loving nature and quirkiness far outweigh his tetchiness. For this reason, Simba needs an only cat home with an experienced cat parent, who knows how to read the signs of an impending change of mood. He needs to be an indoor cat or have access to a petsafe garden or catio. He is such a character, preferring to sleep under his heatpad rather than on top of it, and in the right home, he will be someone’s one in a million cat. If you are an experienced cat owner who has a Simba sized hole in your life and are willing to overlook, and help him overcome his little indiscretions, it could be a match made in heaven.

Please click on the Adoption Enquiry Form to enquire about Simba.

Solomon *RESERVED*

CCG2367 – At the Centre

Solomon is a sweet, friendly boy, who enjoys a fuss and shows it with his tail that nearly touches his head! He is relaxed with people and other cats. He is very purry and loves to play! He is independent and comfortable by himself and would be fine as a solo cat, or with proper introduction to others. He needs an indoor home, or a home with a catio or petsafe garden.

Please click on the Adoption Enquiry Form to enquire about Solomon.

Silas, Tamsin and Tobias *RESERVED*

CCG2404/2402/2405 – At the Centre

These beautiful babies were born in our care, after a call to the helpline for their mother Tabitha. They are all extremely friendly, and want endless amounts of fuss and affection.

More information to follow soon.

Please complete the Adoption Enquiry Form to enquire about Tamsin, Tobias and Silas.

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